Let's Embrace The Wonky & Irregular

We've all been there – reaching for the perfectly round apple or the symmetrical carrot in the supermarket, checking for any imperfection because we need to get the perfect ones!

But have you ever stopped to think about why? Why do we put so much stock on what’s on the outside, when all the goodness is inside! And what happens to all those oddly shaped fruits and vegetables that you reject? The ones that are always left behind? It’s time to celebrate the wonky, the irregular, and sometimes downright weird produce that’s just as delicious and nutritious as its picture-perfect counterparts.

Key Points

Why Wonky Matters

1. Reducing Food Waste:

Did you know that a staggering amount of produce is discarded before it even reaches supermarket shelves due to cosmetic imperfections?

In fact some farmers in the UK have up to 10 tonnes of produce rejected on a weekly basis just because they’re seen as ‘ugly’!

This means farmers have to over produce to meet their targets and the waste often ends up in landfill. Buying wonky fruits and vegetables is a simple way we can all significantly reduce food waste.

2. Climate Change Impact:

Food waste is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.

When we throw away imperfect produce, we’re not just wasting food – we’re wasting all the resources that went into growing, harvesting, and transporting it.

3. Supporting Farmers:

If we all embraced wonky produce it would mean farmers could sell more of their crop; helping them financially, supporting sustainable agriculture and creating less waste!

“Globally, 1.2 billion tonnes of food is wasted before it makes it off the farm."

Wonky Fruit and Veg Boxes: The Way Forward

Many planet friendly companies now offer “wonky” produce boxes delivered straight to your door; companies like Wonky Veg Boxes, who shared their best wonky facts with us for this blog post!

These boxes are filled with fruits and vegetables that might not meet supermarket cosmetic standards but are perfectly good to eat. The other benefit to these boxes is that they’re coming straight from the rejected farm stock which means they’re fresher and last longer!

Compared to supermarket fruit that often is struggling after a couple of days, wonky boxes tend to last over a week. By trying these sustainable subscriptions, you’re directly contributing to reducing food waste while enjoying fresh, seasonal produce – it’s a win win!

What Supermarkets Should Do

“All of our leftovers go to food banks and charities like Ronald McDonald House, so nothing is wasted and we help those in need at the same time."

What We Can Do as Consumers

“8.4 million people live in poverty in the UK, yet food waste could feed upwards of 30 million!”

Benefits to the Planet

Embracing wonky produce is a really significant way to benefit our planet, and it’s so simple to do! When we choose that oddly-shaped carrot or lumpy potato, we’re making a bigger impact than you might think: saving the wonky ones ultimately conserves water, promotes biodiversity in farming, and reduces the land needed for agriculture.

While we can’t eliminate all food waste, we can certainly minimise it.

We need a two-pronged approach: first, embrace imperfect produce to reduce waste at the source. Second, for any unavoidable waste, make sure it’s properly managed through anaerobic digestion.

By making conscious choices about the produce we buy and how we handle our waste, we can all contribute to a more sustainable world!

The Food Waste Hierarchy

At BioteCH4 we want to reduce food waste at all points of the food waste hierarchy – because the best food waste is obviously the waste that’s never created. That’s why improving the outcomes of wonky veg helps everybody. But for those unavoidable scraps, we’re here to turn them into something useful (renewable energy and nutrient-rich fertiliser).

Get in touch

If you are interested in our services and would like to get touch, please contact us at:

BioteCH4, The Control Tower, Hemswell Cliff Industrial Estate,
Hemswell Cliff, Gainsborough, United Kingdom, DN21 5TU

Tel: 01427 667744

Email: enquiries@ch4mail.com

For press enquiries contact: hello@ch4mail.com